
At Home Family Photos | Laura Kobes

COVID-19, changed so many things. Lives we lost, schools were shut, masks became the new thing, restaurants were closed, businesses shut their doors (permanently for some), working from home was a reality for many, children and adults isolated from their friends. Mental health really suffered, here I go talking mental health again, and continue to suffer. Maybe I’ll go more into that another time but I’m getting really off track here. As humans, we are meant to be with other humans, we are not meant to be alone. Now, we see a sliver of hope that life will return to normal, or a new normal. Whatever “normal” really means. Things are picking back up, schools in Arizona returned to in person learning back in February and sports have picked back up. Masks aren’t required in many places anymore. I am happy to return to normalcy. There are two things I will miss, one is masks because sometimes my face lacks control of my expressions and apparently this can be offensive to some lol ;), and I’ll miss all the front porch sessions! I really hope my clients still consider these because they became a favorite!! Isn’t this little guy THE CUTEST! Yes is the answer…