
Personal post | Holden

When I want to take photos of him, he normally shrugs me off and/or distracts me (he’s really good at that). So the morning I asked him if I could take some photos of him and he said “sure” I dropped everything I was doing, grabbed my camera, and took my opportunity. I think we were late to school that day and I did not care!

This handsome kid is my third born and is a fraternal twin. He was born two months early and I’m pretty sure I went into labor because he was trying to kick his brother out of the womb. He is kind, smart, hilarious, stubborn, silly, independent, so fun to be around. He has a memory like an elephant and since he was a toddler his brain works like a little engineer. We are obsessed with this beautiful boy of ours and I feel so blessed to be his Mommy! I love you Holden.